Privacy Policy

Data Collection and Use

With Dynamic Docks, your data is collected and used in the following ways:

1. Mixpanel Analytics

We use Mixpanel to track certain events and usage metrics to improve the app. This includes:

  • App Install Event: When you install the app, we track a one-time "App Install" event with a "receipt" property that includes app receipt data.

  • Wheel Window Open Events (Can be Opted Out): We log the opening of the wheel window each time it is accessed.

    Please note that the content of views, such as the app list or music, is not logged or tracked and remains solely on your device.

Mixpanel may collect certain data such as device ID, location, and etc. This data is used in aggregate form to analyze app performance and improve user experience. None of this data is used to individually identify users.

Data Security

We take data security seriously and implement measures to protect your information. Data collected through Mixpanel is aggregated and anonymized to ensure privacy.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our data practices, please contact us at

(C) 2024 Hariharan Murugesan. All Rights Reserved.